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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Are the 'Storms of Life raging'?

The old spiritual song "When the storms of life are raging, stand by me" comes to mind as I review this blog of mine.  My concern when I wrote this commentary was that, in this world of  easy living christianity, that what had been lost was the concept of 'whatever was worth having was worth fighting for'.  Even though this concept in the Bible is constant, it seems that in our world today, this concept is almost non-existant.  Will God, and His Son Jesus, stand by you when the storms of life are raging?  Or is God supposed to take you out of the 'storms of life'?  As I thought on this, the Holy Spirit led me to First Thessolonians and I felt to write.  So you have it here.  The Storms of Life truely "raged" for these people, but through God these people were "more than conquerers".  Why do I need to be, as the Bible says, more than a conquerer, if there are no storms, no battles, no real hard times, to endure?  And how did God take them through these hard times, even with joy?  First Thessolonians, as well as many other places in the Bible, tells us it is by His Holy Spirit.  Have you asked God for more of His Holy Spirit?  Did you know you can have more of His Holy Spirit?  Jesus Said:  "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened." Mat 7:7,8. 

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